The Steadfast Group

Who We Are

The Steadfast Group is dedicated to uplifting and supporting church staff members, and by extension, the local church. We achieve this through a personal focus on leadership growth, enhancing organizational communication, and fostering community across generations. Once we form a partnership, our three primary goals become clear: aligning the church, its leadership, and its staff with the biblical priorities of discipleship and evangelism; empowering the staff as well as the entire body of Christ for ministry; and guiding people who are far from God from spiritual death into a vibrant life in Christ.

Our Vision

Our vision is to use personal, team, and congregational coaching to transform plateaued churches by aligning every function of the church body with The Great Commission and The Great Commandment. This process of alignment emphasizes biblical priorities of discipleship and evangelism, worship, and preaching, in every area of church life. This will result in a revitalization of your church, a renewal of church members to the purpose of the Gospel, and a fire to see people move from death to Life in Christ.

Meet Our Senior Consultant

Rev. Eric Barron

Eric was born and raised in West Tennessee. He surrendered his life to Christ during a revival service when he was 8 years old, and was one of those who attended church every time the doors were open. While serving as a Royal Ambassador Camp Counselor after graduation from high school, Eric sensed God’s call to ministry, and he followed that call by attending Union University (Jackson, TN), then to Southern Baptist Theological Louisville, KY, to study Church Music. Eric has since served churches in TN, MS, OK, and now KY. 

Eric is a musician, writer, speaker, storyteller, and is passionate about the local church, which led him to found The Steadfast Group.

The Alignment Effect

We use personal and team coaching, as well as weekend events to align the vision of your church with the Great Commission ( Matt. 26:18-20) and the Great Commandment ( Matt. 22: 37-40).We review processes and procedures, job descriptions, and policies determine a definition of success for your staff and teams. Then, we build everything the church does around those principles of success that are birthed from the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

Once those definitions are in place, and job descriptions are redesigned around the Greats, we offer training for the congregation to serve the Kingdom as ministers, biblically as Jesus commands. Once equipped (it doesn't take long), we empower the body of Christ to act like the body of Christ and send them out to disciple and evangelize. All of them. Yep- everybody. 

We help the leadership understand that all the staff, all the lay-leaders, as well as the congregation must be about discipleship and evangelism, among their other responsibilities. We lead the leaders to re-think success in the church, and to re-imagine a church that is not focused on numbers, but on lives moving from death to Life in Chr1st.